In the digital age, where screens mediate our interactions, the quest to humanize your brand is crucial. Enter the unsung hero of connection – video. It’s not just about showcasing your products or services; it’s about inviting your audience behind the scenes, letting them peek into the beating heart of your brand. So, what gives your video content that human element? Check out these tips… 

Lights, Camera, Authenticity! 
The magic of video lies in its ability to capture authenticity. Behind-the-scenes videos peel back the polished layers and offer a glimpse into the real, human side of your brand. Whether it’s the laughter during team meetings, the creative chaos in the office, or tear-jerking testimonials, authenticity fosters a connection that transcends the screen. 

Video Spotlights: Stars of the Show 
People’s true stories and experiences are the real star of the show, and it’s time to let them shine. Humanize your brand by featuring employee spotlights or real-life product reviews in your videos. Introduce the faces behind the scenes, share their stories, and highlight the impact or value of your product, brand, or service on your clients. Viewers love to connect with the people behind the brand, turning faceless entities into relatable individuals. 

Day in the Life: A Cinematic Adventure 
Have you ever wondered what a day in the life of your brand looks like? Take your audience on a cinematic adventure behind the scenes. Showcase the hustle and bustle, the creative process, and the moments that define your brand culture. Whether it’s a typical workday, special event, or the making of the product you sell – let your audience be a part of the journey. 

Customer Testimonials: Real Voices, Real Stories 
Show how your customers are the hero of your brand. Feature customer testimonials that capture authentic voices and real stories. Let satisfied customers share their experiences, the challenges they have overcome, and the impact your brand has had on their lives. Authentic customer testimonials humanize your brand by highlighting the tangible effects of your products or services. 

Blooper Reels: Embracing Imperfections 
Life is full of imperfections, and so is the journey behind the scenes. Create blooper reels that capture the lighter side of your brand. Whether it’s a funny mishap during a photo shoot or a lighthearted moment in the office, blooper reels add a touch of humor and relatability. Embracing imperfections makes your brand more approachable and endearing. 

Storytelling with Heart 
Every brand has a story, and behind-the-scenes videos provide the canvas to paint that narrative with heart. Share the origin story, the challenges faced, and the triumphs celebrated. Let your audience be part of the emotional journey that defines your brand and the journey that got you to where you are as a company. Authentic storytelling builds a connection based on shared values and experiences.  

As the curtains fall on this exploration of humanizing your brand through video, remember that authenticity, storytelling, and collaboration are the secret ingredients. Behind-the-scenes videos unveil the magic that transforms your brand from a faceless entity into a relatable, authentic presence. It’s time to humanize your brand and let your brand’s story unfold! 

If you want to see a good example of a culture video, check out Maxio’s video from our “Best of 2023 – vLink Staff Favorites” post!

Unsure where to start? vLink is here to help. Reach out to us at today to learn more and get started.  

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