Online Training Videos are the future for successful teams. Watch this video to learn about our proven online training framework: “The 3 P’s” – Preparation, Production and Promotion. These tips will guide you in turning your content into an effective, online video training.  


Clearly define your audience, their training needs and in turn, your objectives of the training. From there, outline the training content road map to define which videos are needed.  


Keep the training content brief, relatable, and engaging to ensure it meets your audience’s needs while holding their attention. Ensure you’re incorporating visual enhancements like graphics and b-roll to keep the audience engaged and summarize the key learning concepts to drive home the main takeaways. 


Once you have the training content complete, it’s time to choose a distribution platform and promote the training to your audience. It’s also important to measure the success of your training content with tools like engagement metrics or content retention assessments. 

To take a deeper dive into our process of producing effective Online Training Content, download a PDF of our Infographic: vLink Academy Presents Online Training 101. 

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6 Proven Storytelling Tactics to Boost Engagement in Video Marketing

6 Proven Storytelling Tactics to Boost Engagement in Video Marketing

Video marketing is an integral part of any successful marketing campaign. It allows businesses to reach a wider audience, connect with their target market, and create a lasting impression. We’ve seen this firsthand, but with so many businesses vying for attention, it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd.

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